Learning Dutch

Under my umbrella bied ik cursussen Nederlands aan. Samen met u breng ik u taalvaardigheid en begrip van de Nederlandse taal een niveau hoger, uw spreekvaardigheid, luistervaardigheid, schrijfvaardigheid. Uw wens is hierin leidend. Sociaal. Uw collega’s, uw buren beter begrijpen of uw kinderen kunnen blijven volgen. Of op het werk: mails en vergaderingen adequaat kunnen beantwoorden en bijwonen. Geef aan waar uw prioriteiten liggen… en begin!

Under my umbrella I offer you Dutch courses. Together with you, I will raise your language skills and understanding of the Dutch language to a higher level, your speaking skills, listening skills, writing skills. Your wish is leading in this. Social setting: understanding your colleagues, your neighbors better or being able to continue to follow the progress of your children in their new country. Mayby at work: being able to adequately answer and attend emails and meetings. Identify your priorities… and let’s get started!

Ik ben je docent Nederlands. I am your teacher of the Dutch language.

Bring your DUTCH to the next level. "The lessons are great!"



Come and take your lessons from 1,5 hours up to 4 hours between 8am and 12am


Please tell me more!


MIDDAGLESSEN Afternoon classes

Other occupations in the Morning?

Level your Dutch up in the afternoon from 1,5 hours upto 3 hours between 13.30pm and 16.30pm!

AVONDLESSEN Evening Classes

Hi! Night Owl!

Busy all day? Invest in learning Dutch from 1,5 hours up to 2,5 hours between 19pm and 21.30pm.